Yo out there internet land. While I’m waiting for the publisher to get approval from Nintendo of America for Candlebook Island to be on the Switch eshop, I’ve been thinking about next game ideas, and working on some tools to help make games even faster. Because that’s the kind of nerd I am, lol.
I know one of the major next ones will be Better Writer. Basically, Bad Writer with more “stuff” in it. Improvement on loading and saving, working on a novel as well as a short story, juggling a dayjob, and talking with more people, as well as wandering around town.
Might even throw in a system where you can buy more distractions that change the amount of story ideas vs depression you get, etc. I plan on reusing the Candlebook Island engine for this, since it’s perfectly suited for it, and would def cut down on development time. Like Bad Writer before it, I’ll probably use third party assets for the background art (I know exactly which ones, too). As much as I loved (LOVED) doing the background art for Candlebook Island, it was very time consuming AND…
Well, I can’t really draw modern day stuff, and that’s what Better Writer needs. I can do the sprite art, sure, but I’m…rusty/no good at drawing modern buildings, cars, etc. I am very good at medieval stuff, and fantasy stuff, and futuristic stuff when it comes to pixel art, however. So any game with that kind of art, yeah…I’ll do it.
I also want to fast track Better Writer. It won’t be a complex game, but it will be more complex than Bad Writer. And not having to worry about background tiles will be a huge boon to that.
Anyway, other than that, I have this massive JRPG idea I’ve been thinking about, and starting to doodle art for it. All the pixel art for that game will be done by me, and only me (BWHAHAHA). I’m also working on streamlining engine code/etc so I can speed up tons of stuff with all these new tools.
I’ve also got several other small game ideas, too. I’ll just work on those when the inspiration takes me. One is a murder mystery cozy game, another is four player kart racer with Mode 7 3d. Yet another is a mini JRPG based on Tam Lin. Neat, right? All of these are short games, will probably be under $10 when they’re out.
But that epic JRPG…that’s going to be something else. I’m looking forward to that one…I get to really combine my writing skills and my game making skills with that one. I stretched quite a bit of my writing skills with two subplots in Candlebook Island (see if you can find them!) and it made me want to do a linear, story heavy JRPG style game.
So that’s all that.
Oh! And the game trailer dropped for Candlebook Island! I almost forgot.